Meet Our Principal
Welcome to all of our returning and incoming Christine Grant Elementary students and families! I am very honored to be the principal of Christine Grant and look forward to teaming with you all as we continually grow our school culture. Our traditions, celebrations, and collective beliefs within and beyond the walls of the school have made great strides during our first four years of being open and will surely grow in the years to come.
Ken Turnis, Principal
Our School
About Grant Elementary
Dr. Christine Grant was born in 1936 in Scotland. She lived in Canada before coming to Iowa City to pursue a degree in physical education, earning a B.A., M.A., and PhD from the University of Iowa. Dr. Grant became the first women’s athletic director at the University of Iowa in 1973 and retired from that position in 2000.
Dr. Grant was honored by the National Association of Collegiate Women Athletics Administrators, the Women’s Basketball Association, the Women’s Sports Foundation, and the National Association for Girls and Women in Sport. She was a national leader and expert in gender equity in athletics. She testified before Congress and was a consultant for the Civil Rights Title IX Task Force. She also held international leadership positions in sports.
Dr. Grant received the Gerald R. Ford Award for significant leadership over her career as an advocate for intercollegiate athletics. She was named one of the 100 most influential sports educators in America by the Institute of International Sport.